
Give Back

The Fresh 20 believes in giving back into the community. Central to our philosophy of health and happiness, we strive to partner with national and local charities focusing on children, food and health.



Nearly 3.4 million people die each year from preventable waterborne illnesses. That’s almost the entire population of Los Angeles, CA dies every year.

This number can directly be attributed to lack of filtration of contaminated water and lack of sanitation and hygiene training. The majority of these illnesses are caused from fecal contamination.  Filters allow us to access communities out of reach of machinery or provide a community an option where a well is not an option.

Every 21 seconds a child will perish from a preventable waterborne illness.

Just $1 provides a person clean water for an entire year. Fixing the problem is easy. We just need to all decide to do it. Learn More



In 1992, our founder, Melissa, found out her mother had Scleroderma and was given a maximum of seven years to live. Through the efforts of the Scleroderma Research Foundation, her mother Eileen lived seventeen years instead of 7 and was able to witness Melissa’s marriage and the birth of her first son. Although she lost her mother in 2005, Melissa attributes the longer lifespan of her mom to this foundation. She donates a portion of her income on an annual basis so that other daughters might have just one more day with their mom. Visit Scleroderma Research to find out more.



The No Kid Hungry campaign connects kids in need with nutritious food and teaches their families how to cook healthy, affordable meals. The campaign also engages the public to make ending childhood hunger a national priority. Through its Cooking Matters program, the No Kid Hungry campaign educates and empowers low-income families to stretch their food budgets so their kids get healthy meals at home. Cooking Matters participants learn to shop strategically, use nutrition information to make healthier food choices, and cook delicious, affordable meals.
For more information visit: Share Our Strength

Dedicated to a charity?

Through sponsorships, direct donations and monthly deposits, The Fresh 20 gives back a portion of each meal plan sold. If you would like to be a featured charity, please send information and media kits to cj {at} thefresh20 {dot} com
