
5 Ways to Get Eat Fresh Food

Get Fresh

Top Five Ways to Eat Fresh

Going back to school is like a reset button. Everything seems shiny and new. It’s a great time to make healthy changes and the perfect opportunity to #getfresh food habits.  Here are five simple ways to start the school year with health and happiness.


Increasing vegetables is a sure fire way to improve the health of your diet.  Dark greens, especially, have many nutrients vital to health including Vitamin A, C and K.  Challenge yourself to include something green in your shopping cart each week.  I know kale is all the rage but don’t forget about Swiss chard, collards, spinach, mustard greens, cabbage, broccoli, green beans and turnip greens to name a few.

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It’s not secret that over eating takes a toll on health. The typical American dinner is 400 calories over recommended daily requirements. I say, eat well and keep portions small. I’ve never been one to restrict the foods I enjoy or eliminate a high calorie dish altogether. I prefer to consume a smaller portion. There is satisfaction in the little things.


Why are we all rushing through meals? One of the most important things we can do for ourselves and our families is slow down at the dinner table.  In my house of boys that can be difficult but I try to space out dinner so it’s not scarfed down in three minutes flat. True Story.  Why not take a beat from Europeans and serve a salad first, followed by a reasonable entree and maybe a little fruit for dessert. Lingering over meals can lead to better digestion and overall health.



Over the past few weeks, my family has seen a fair amount of takeout.  The rules were a little loose this summer and we are all happy to get back into a routine of sitting down for a home cooked dinner.  There is not a better way to control your family food culture than to cook at home.  You know exactly what ingredients are being used, can adjust to suit your tastes and who doesn’t love the smell of garlic in the kitchen?


The simple fact about nurturing health in the kitchen is it takes time. I’m not talking about hours and hours of slaving over a hot stove but there is an element of planning that needs to happen for us to maximize healthy habits. I don’t know about you but when I don’t have a plan, takeout sneaks up on me. The Fresh 20 is on a mission to get families back to the family dinner table. If you’d like a free meal plan, fill in the form below and you’ll receive a classic, gluten free and vegetarian week.

Tell us, how do you #getfresh?
