
Inspiration for a well stocked life.

I find that daily living requires a lot of tools.  Technology allows us to have resources at our fingertips but it can also give us too much information.  I’ve been on a news fast for almost 18 months but now with the Coronavirus, I feel the information overload creeping in.  So I take it back to my tool kit for life.  The small things that give me inspiration, guidance, and hope.

Tools for Inspiration

Do you want to try our FREE

20 ingredient meal plans?

I hope something  on this list will inspire you to share your own tool kit and resources with friends and family.

My #1 Favorite App: INSIGHT TIMER

I found this app when I was going through an especially rough patch of mental illness.  I need one thing to hold on to each day and Insight Timer gave me a life line.  Even in better times, I listen to it every day and have used it as a jumping off point to journal writing, dreaming and documenting my thoughts.  There are thousands of free meditations and some really helpful courses that take ten minutes a day. Topics include: Anxiety, Sleep, Abundance, Purpose and more!

My Favorite Instagram: @THEDADGANG

I discovered these guys last year and I’m always enchanted with their posts.  There are so many mom accounts in the social sphere so it’s refreshing to watch these dads loving on their kids and being role models. They give off so much pure joy, it’s contagious.

Useful Podcast: NPR LIFE KIT

So many podcasts, so little time.  I’m never disappointed with the information flowing from Life Kit.  From reading food labels to navigating puberty, life kit has some solid advice on good living.  And sometimes it’s nice to turn the TV off, close your eyes and listen.


I’m kind of eclectic when it comes to cinema.  I love action adventure, crime movies and anything Cary Grant ever made.  But right now, I want to watch something with a good message that shows my teenagers that the world is a beautiful place and acts of kindness are more important now more than ever.  I adore this movie and yes, I cry every single time I watch it.

Good Read: RISING STRONG by Brene Brown

Sometimes finding your own strength means watching it in others.  People are more resilient and contain more love and strength than they know.  I love the concepts laid out in this book.  I know there are rough times ahead and yet, I am more than confident in the comeback – for all of us.

