
Recipe Notes week of July 10th

If you’ve been visiting your local farmers market lately (and please do!), you’ve no doubt seen bins and baskets full of beautiful zucchini. One of a variety of summer squash, meaning they are harvested while immature so the rinds are edible, zucchini is a great choice for versatility and nutrition. One zucchini provides nearly half your daily value of vitamin C and a ton of potassium – all while being extremely low in calories!

The popularity of zucchini ‘noodles’ in the Paleo diet has now crossed over to mainstream cuisine. There are many videos online that show how to transform one zucchini into a pile of healthy (gluten free) noodles – and it’s a fun way to get your kids into the kitchen.

Selecting & Storing:
As with most fresh produce, choose zucchini that are heavy for their size, free of blemishes and soft spots, and have deep consistent color. You don’t need to choose the prize winning foot long zucchini either, go for small to medium sized (think 6-8”) ones – they will have the best crunch and flavor. Store for no more than a few days in the refrigerator for the best flavor.hammer mill
