
Community Spotlight: The Babikan Family

For our second Community Spotlight, we decided to feature one of our team members! Leslie is a Recipe Developer with The Fresh 20. Here’s a look into how she and her family have enjoyed The Fresh 20. 

Community Spotlight: The Babikan Family | TheFresh20

Tell us about your family:

Our family lives in Southern California. My husband, David, and I have have 2 children – Harper (8) and Will (6). I keep busy being a recipe developer for The Fresh 20, Girl Scout leader, PTA board member, cooking camp instructor, and sports mom.

Community Spotlight: The Babikan Family | TheFresh20

Why The Fresh 20?

I was meal planning myself for my family and wanted some back up ideas. When I discovered how cost effective and delicious the meals were, I was hooked. From there, I decided I wanted to work for this company!

Who cooks most meals?

I cook every night with some kid assistance. Hubby cooks occasionally with our smoker.

Is The Fresh 20 helping your family create kitchen memories?

The kids love to critique my meals. They give me the cooking equivalent to a Siskel and Ebert rating system. Its a nightly occurrence and the kids always ask “Is this Fresh 20?”.

Community Spotlight: The Babikan Family | TheFresh20

Favorite Family Meal:

Melissa’s corn and kale enchiladas and of course anything with cheese.

Least Favorite Family Meal:

My little one doesn’t love fish, but we mostly eat everything.

Strict Rule:

Try it and you might like it!

Community Spotlight: The Babikan Family | TheFresh20


Chocolate. We are spoiled to have friends who bring us chocolate from Switzerland and we hand out the squares like it’s gold bars.

Best advice for health:

Eat fresh food most of the time (nobody is perfect) and exercise, even if it’s just walking.

Anything else you want to add?

The Fresh 20 has been amazing for so many reasons. Having yummy fresh meals that don’t break the bank has been so wonderful. And being able to create weekly meals for other Fresh 20 subscribers brings me joy beyond words. Being apart of the Fresh 20 team has been a huge lifestyle change, as I have lost 25 pounds changing from quick meals to Fresh 20 meals! 

Leslie's Before & After photo from TheFresh20

We are excited to have Leslie on our team, and so proud of her success! If you missed the previous Community Spotlight, learn more about the Lawson family here.
