
Fresh Media: Building a Sustainable Urban Food System

The coastal city of Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada, is on a mission to create a system for producing and consuming food that is environmentally, socially and economically sustainable.

In order to spread awareness of its mission, the city created a video that showcases its food strategy and features interviews with many of the people that have impacted the movement. Since its release in mid-January, the video has garnered a high level of attention from the public and has been shared thousands of times on social media.

From more community gardens and urban farms to an increase in the variety of food trucks, the efforts of the city’s policymakers and residents have been paying off.

“Having policy that actually legitimizes what people have been doing and making it okay to have chickens and bees in your backyard and allowing agriculture into the city is something that’s really exciting,” says Zsuzsi Fodor, co-chair of the Vancouver Food Policy Council.

What is the local food economy like in your city? Has it taken any steps similar to Vancouver? 
