

Destination Dinner
The Fresh 20 is a company about dinner.

Fresh dinner. Easy dinner. Family dinner. Healthy dinner. DINNER.

I know the difference it has made in my life to eat consciously and build a strong family food culture. I’m always working on sharing that message because quite frankly, dinner saved my life. More accurately, it saved my happiness.
I understand the challenges of cooking for a busy family. I relate to wanting everything to be easy at the end of the day. But anything worthwhile, is not necessarily easy. There will be days when you are tired, hectic, frustrated and feel like giving up in the kitchen.


I hear from people who never cooked before or believed they couldn’t cook who now proudly serve dinner to their families.

I hear from parents who thought their children would never (ever) eat Brussels sprouts and now shout from the rooftops about all the green in their children’s diets.

I hear from subscribers that have drastically improved their health just by cooking a whole foods dinner.

Make dinner your ultimate destination. Slow down.

I’ll leave you with a comment from a subscriber that touched my heart and made me think,

“I only have 50 or so dinners left before my daughter leaves for college. Because of The Fresh 20, I am going to make every one of them count.”

I have a feeling her daughter will remember those dinners fondly while away at school.

I’ve been thinking of a way to tie up the final day of the pledge in a little bow and call it done. But it’s not done today. It should never be finished. My hope is that you have found something in the last twenty days that speaks to you and ignited you to make a small change for the better. And I hope it includes dinner ; )
