
5 Easy Breakfast Smoothies

Morning Smoothies for Health

Smoothies are an easy, healthy, and satisfying breakfast that can provide a jump start on your daily servings of fruits and vegetables. They also kick your metabolism into gear and give you much-needed energy boost.

Ever since my friendship began with Tess, The Blender Girl, she’s taught me at least 100 delicious smoothie recipes an even developed many for The Fresh 20. I’m a lifer when it comes to blasting my breakfast — or lunch — in my blender. What are you favorite smoothies?

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The Fresh 20 Favorite Smoothies

These are at the top of my list, and I keep the ingredients frozen and prepped in small containers so I can dump them in the morning, making smoothies a 1-minute breakfast that I can be proud of. Here are my top 5:

Red Berry Smoothie

Man pouring a deep rich red beet smoothie in a clear thin glass in a beautiful white marble kitchen

Orange Creamsicle Breakfast Blast

Woman making a smoothie with fresh oranges and bananas in a blender in a beautiful white marble kitchen

Green Mango Smoothie

Person pouring tropical green mango smoothie into a clear modern glass in a beautiful white marble kitchen

Blueberry Breakfast Tart Smoothie

Man opening glass mason jar full of creamy decadent vegan blueberry breakfast tart smoothie in a white marble finished kitchen

Tropical Smoothie

Woman making a full container of fresh mango, banana, & papaya tropical smoothie in a beautiful white marble kitchen


20 Free Healthy

Smoothie Recipes

Blend your way to better health with our 20 delicious & easy-to-make smoothie recipes.

Health Starts in the Kitchen