Home-style Baked Oatmeal I adore the summer season, but I can’t lie. These chilly, September morning temperatures are everything. I’m not ready for pumpkin-everything, but I am starting to fancy warm, comforting breakfasts and cinnamon. Who’s with me? This baked oatmeal satisfies my post-summer, early Fall cravings like nothing else. Baked oatmeal is a 1-dish, [...]
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Easy Overnight Oats We’re an oatmeal-loving family, but it wasn’t always that way for my kids. As a parent who understands, and frankly needs the benefits of this super-food, I set out on a mission to develop a few kid-approved oatmeal recipes. On weekends, we go all out with an oatmeal toppings bar. Weekdays are [...]
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DIY Oatmeal Toppings Bar My husband and I love oatmeal, so much so that we drink oat milk! When you’re an adult in your 40s+ you know all the reasons why oatmeal is a smart breakfast choice, from heart-health, to fiber and making it to lunch with some energy to spare. However, 0ne of the [...]
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