
Nutrition Facts

Healthy Fats Thumbnail

High Fat and Super Healthy The idea that eating fat makes us unhealthy or causes weight gain has been mostly debunked; culprits of poor health are refined foods, processed foods, packaged foods and foods eaten out of the home, not fat alone. What is more important than the amount of fat is the type of [...]

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Hydration Thumbnail

Here’s the thing about water. We all know how important it is to drink enough on a daily basis but for many of us, it’s a struggle. If there was one magic bullet to improving our health, it’s water. If you know you are not getting enough, it’s time to increase your intake. Common hydration [...]

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Eating For Fuel Thumbnail

Regardless of your choice of exercise, you probably notice that your performance is improved when you are eating correctly and drinking enough water. Exercising without the correct fuel can contribute to fatigue and decreased performance. There are many products promoted to athletes to hydrate, refuel and improve performance. What we really need is whole food [...]

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Let’s be honest, there are so many opportunities to interfere with healthy habits. We have the best intentions, we follow through, we create space to treat our bodies well. But, inevitably, something changes, a life disruption, a celebration, a deadline, and our health once again takes a back-seat. Setting up a sustainable plan means that [...]

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Unprocessed Eating 101 Thumbnail

The Fresh 20 has always maintained that a healthy life comes from eating food in its most natural state. Whole foods that have not been altered with preservatives, chemicals or additives. Some argue that ingredients like pasta and bread are processed foods. I call them prepared foods and if it can be made in the [...]

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Snack Smart Thumbnail

Some people say the key to maintaining weight is never snacking between meals. I disagree. Recent studies have shown that eating smaller portions more often is better for your digestive system and can help increase energy, reduce cravings and improve metabolism. The trick is finding the right snacks and not over-indulging. The concept of eating [...]

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Get Fresh

Top Five Ways to Eat Fresh Going back to school is like a reset button. Everything seems shiny and new. It’s a great time to make healthy changes and the perfect opportunity to #getfresh food habits.  Here are five simple ways to start the school year with health and happiness. GO GREEN Increasing vegetables is [...]

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