Perfect Meal Prep Roasted Veggies Roasted vegetables are one of my very favorite things — not just my favorite way to cook veggies — but one of my very favorite dishes in general. The caramelized tips and edges that add a hint of sweetness along with the soft crunch enhance the fresh flavors and transform [...]
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Healthy Grazing Boards For Entertaining Healthy grazing boards are all the rage for entertaining, from elegant charcuterie and cheese to fresh crisp vegetables with dips and spreads. It’s an opportunity to create a beautiful, edible work of art to wow your guests among other hors d’oeuvres or as a light segue into a meal. Want [...]
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Reinvent Turkey Leftovers: Thanksgiving Cobb Salad Recipe After a day of indulgence and maybe a second slice of pie or an extra glass of wine, I crave a clean meal with all the fall flavors. With that in mind, I always keep this recipe for Thanksgiving salad on hand for a fresh, light lunch on [...]
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5 Make ahead breakfasts for stress free mornings This weekend we’re losing an hour in the middle of the night for daylight savings time. Yes, it’s that time again: Spring Forward. That one hour is the start to a domino effect of chaos. Beginning with grouchy sleep deprivation, and dealing with the cherry on top: [...]
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Dessert Alert: Heart Healthy Chocolate Love In our house, we do our best to celebrate love every day. Every morning, my husband hops out of bed, then brews and serves me morning coffee before my feet even hit the floor. After almost 2 decades of marriage, this simple gesture makes me swoon with adoration and [...]
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Standout Carrot Slaw Carrot slaw is underrated. Crunchy, tangy, sweet AND full of fiber and nutrients, this side dish has it all. I keep a handful of “keeper” recipes on hand for picnics, potlucks, barbecues and of all of them, everyone asks for this recipe. Mayo-based fresh salads are a dime a dozen, which makes [...]
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Back To School Lunch Poor sandwiches. Is it just me or have sandwiches suddenly been moved out of the spotlight when it comes to back-to-school lunch? With the freshest ingredients and assembled properly, a simple sandwich can become an incredibly delicious, satisfying and balanced lunch. It’s been a staple meal for hundreds of years because it’s [...]
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Easy Overnight Oats We’re an oatmeal-loving family, but it wasn’t always that way for my kids. As a parent who understands, and frankly needs the benefits of this super-food, I set out on a mission to develop a few kid-approved oatmeal recipes. On weekends, we go all out with an oatmeal toppings bar. Weekdays are [...]
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No Bake Breakfast Bars My kids started back to school this week. It’s always such a major transition in our kitchen, from leisurely breakfasts, unlimited snacking (mostly for the kids) and no real schedule to stick to for meals. When the school year kicks in, our days suddenly start earlier with everyone working to get [...]
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DIY Oatmeal Toppings Bar My husband and I love oatmeal, so much so that we drink oat milk! When you’re an adult in your 40s+ you know all the reasons why oatmeal is a smart breakfast choice, from heart-health, to fiber and making it to lunch with some energy to spare. However, 0ne of the [...]
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