The Fresh 20 is a company about dinner. Fresh dinner. Easy dinner. Family dinner. Healthy dinner. DINNER. I know the difference it has made in my life to eat consciously and build a strong family food culture. I’m always working on sharing that message because quite frankly, dinner saved my life. More accurately, it saved [...]
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One of the most difficult tasks I encounter is taking care of myself. Isn’t it just easier to take care of everyone else first? I sat down with Joy Wilson, aka Joy the Baker, recently. I wanted her insight on how we can best feed our soul. She’s so good at tapping into her values [...]
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I have to admit, I feel a little deflated this morning. I’ve made some really positive changes on the pledge but the one thing I wanted for myself was to lose five pounds before my trip to Australia. I’m drinking more water; up from one glass a week to a few glass a day I [...]
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by Holly Cara Price , The Fresh 20 Social Media Manager, featuring Dr. Neha Sangwan It may seem hard to believe, but being grateful for the blessings you’re given can change your life. If you’re actively making an effort to count your blessings your entire outlook can and will change, and it will attract more [...]
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Nourish Yourself I know sometimes cooking can seem like a chore. Some days I just want to be fed without having to peel anything or wash dishes. But something happens to me when I cook at home. I feel nourished. Preparing food can be one of the most important tasks you can do for yourself. [...]
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Bodies need fuel. Breakfast is fuel. I have to confess, sometimes I skip breakfast. The morning gets busy and once I start working, I forget to fuel up. Inevitably, I crash and realize I haven’t had anything to eat. And coffee doesn’t count. I wish it did, but it just doesn’t count as a whole [...]
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A note from The Fresh 20 Team Manager For a long time my mental and physical well-being hinged on getting one hour of exercise a day. One hour is a lot. It used to loom on the horizon of every day: a yoga or dance class, a 6-mile run. Most days an hour (which quickly [...]
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5 SIMPLE GREEN HABITS This one time when I met the lovely Jessica Alba, I asked her what three changes I could make for a green home. She told me the number one most effective way to go green is to take our shoes off before entering the house. Toxins from the world we live [...]
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Wherever you are, be there totally. Oh, how I struggle with this idea. I’m usually worrying about something that already happened or stressing about the future. My one main goal this year is simply to live in the now. An easy concept, but how many of us have mastered the art of living in the [...]
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Green juice is all the buzz these days. I talked to my friend, Tess Masters of The Blender Girl to get the low down on all the hype. Why are smoothies healthy? Whether you’re making a nutrient-dense breakfast smoothie, a protein-packed workout drink, or a dessert shake, smoothies offer us the opportunity to pack in [...]
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